July 29, 2017
Capitol Paving of DC (the contractor) continued the work along Kennedy Street NW between Georgia Ave NW and North Capitol Street NW. The contractor installed 11 square yards of driveway-alley entrance, 107 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 266 square yards of brick sidewalk, 38 LF of straight granite curb, 42 LF of circular curb, 97 linear feet of brick gutter and poured two (2) wheelchair ramps. Jaxson Point (Capitol Paving’s sub-contractor) performed the electrical work by installing two (2) foundation for traffic signal, two (2) street light foundations, and 21 linear feet of 2-4” PVC electrical conduit.
July 22, 2017
Capitol Paving of DC (the contractor) continued the work along Kennedy Street NW between Georgia Ave NW and North Capitol Street NW. The contractor installed 30 linear feet 15” RCP pipe, adjusted 12 manhole’s covers and frames. They also installed 123 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 221SY of brick sidewalk, 115 LF of straight granite curb, 123 LF brick gutter and poured one (1) wheelchair ramps. Jaxson Point (Capitol Paving’s sub-contractor) performed the electrical work by installing one (1) 8 ft arm on wood pole, pulled 1550 liear feet of wires, 1 light fixtures with photo cell and 17 linear feet of 1-2” electrical conduit.
JULY 15, 2017
Capitol Paving of DC (the contractor) continued the work along Kennedy Street NW between Georgia Ave NW and North Capitol Street NW. The contractor continued milling and paving the Kennedy Street from 8th Street NW intersection to 4th street NW intersection. The contractor installed one (1) catch basin CB-103 at 1st Street, and 11 linear feet 15” RCP pipe. They also installed 135 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 76 SY of brick sidewalk, 248 LF of straight granite curb, 53 LF of circular granite curb, 162 LF brick gutter and poured two (2) wheelchair ramps. Jaxson Point (Capitol Paving’s sub-contractor) performed the electrical work by installing one (1) traffic signal pole, eight (8) street light poles, 2 light fixtures with photo cell and 28 linear feet of 4” electrical conduit.
JULY 8, 2017
Capitol Paving of DC (the contractor) continued the work along the eastbound side of Kennedy Street NW; they also started the work on the westbound and eastbound along Kennedy Street between Georgia Ave NW and North Capitol Street NW. The contractor started milling and paving the Kennedy Street from 8th Street NW to 7th Street intersection. The contractor also installed double catch basin CB-103 and 8 linear feet 15” RCP pipe. They also installed 118 SY of brick sidewalk, 106 SY PPC sidewalk and, 118 LF brick gutter Jaxson Point (Capitol Paving’s sub-contractor) performed the electrical work by installing 2130 LF of #0000 strand wire and 710 #0002 wire, removed 3 traffic signal pole foundation and removed 1 controller cabinet foundation.